Friday, April 15, 2016

Our new house, part two

On Tuesday morning the team of junk haulers showed up about 8:30 ready to give it heck. Joe and I were still rummaging through closets, drawers and trunks, pulling out more things for the heave-ho pile. The best we can figure is that the grandfather died about six years ago and noone ever bothered to ckean out the house. His sweater and jacket were still hanging by the back door. His toothbrush and shaving equipment were still on the sink. His shoeshine kit was in the cupboard near the stairs.  So many things--once so useful and required--now in plastic sacks on the floor.

While the junk haulers did their thing, Joe and I headed into the garden to begin the work there. Such a lovely and peaceful spot, neglected since Nonno fell ill and couldn't care for it. The olive trees are too tall--missing some years of regular trimming. The grapes are a crazy tangle over a mish mash of pergolas made from old plumbing pipes, broom handles and door trim. The grass is a foot tall.

The two of us pick some jobs. We buy a string trimmer and Joe cuts the grass. I buy a kneeling pad and weed between the patio stones. I grab my clippers and start trimming the grape vines--removing anything that goes off in the wrong direction. We get out a ladder from the shed and get up on the old pergola to trim vines there. It's a tremendous amount of work and we're getting too old for this stuff, but there is a point after a couple of days when the yard is neat. The patio is free from weeds. It's a blank canvas ready for us to make it even more beautiful.

We find some old rickety steps at the back of the property. I climb up and discover a large terrace at the base of the travertine cliff that the ancient castle is perched upon. I verify that it's part of our property--it is. It looks over the garden, but also has far reaching views across the Val d'Orcia in one direction and out to Montalcino in the other. It's a magical spot to be transformed into a place to savor sunsets someday soon. I find a dead hedgehog there. It bothered me for a minute, then I realize I have hedgehogs in my garden. How cool is that!

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