Sunday, October 4, 2015

Siamo arrivati in Italia! And a brush with fame . . .

Buona sera from Radicofani, which Joe and I have taken to calling "Windicofani," since the wind never stops blowing here. Not a problem though.

Our travels yesterday were without incident--boring, in fact--and we arrived in Montepulciano in time for a stroll up the hill and a pleasant lunch at La Dolce Vita. 

We were enjoying our meal and realized that people kept stopping at the table behind us and fawning all over one of the English guys sitting there. They were asking to take selfies with the guy, getting autographs, etc, and I kept turning around to see if I could figure out who he was. I asked our waitress  "Hey, who's the famous guy?" She didn't know either, but was obviously very curious. So I took a good look at his table, saw a luggage tag on his case that said Madden and googled "UK actor Madden" on my phone.
Well, this guy Richard Madden (who I've never heard of) is wildly famous now as he's a star in Game of Thrones, and was Prince Charming in the recent remake of Cinderella, featuring Lily James of Downton Abbey.
Here he is: 

After lunch, and seeing no additional celebrities, we waddled back down the hill and procured some groceries for ourselves.

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