Sunday, September 14, 2014

It finally happened. Ugh!

People who travel talk about and worry about this subject often. They prepare themselves by buying money belts, secret pockets to wear around their necks, even zippered compartment bras that double as safe places to stash valuables. We have never fallen victim to the crime of pick-pocketing, so have never invested in any of these or similar products. Today we are rethinking our position on this.
It finally happened to Joe. He was pick pocketed by a woman beggar who thrust her empty coin cup at him pleading her poverty, while with the other hand she removed the wallet from his pocket. She was dark-skinned, foreign and wearing a long skirt and plastic flowers in her hair, just like countless other women walking the streets of world cities. You'd think you would be able to spot them before they spot you.
We didnt realize it at first. She was a seasoned pro. When she grabbed Joe's arm, he looked to me to help him get away from her. I yelled at her "Vai, vai," and she released her grip and slunk away, but the deed had already been done.
We were heading into a concert so it was about 1.5 hours later when he realized the wallet was gone.
After we got over the initial shock, then anger, we headed back to our apartment to cancel credit cards. Luckily I have two cards with different accounts than him so at least I have some access to money. If I get over being annoyed at him perhaps I will share it.

1 comment:

  1. Damn and double damn. We know the feeling and it sucks. Joe can share the doghouse with Don, who put my new stainless steel racks for the farmhouse sink out with the recycling. Maybe we'll give them food and water, but no wine!
